4 Areas of Self Care to Energize Your Life! A Guest Post

4 Areas of Self Care to Energize Your Life! A Guest Post

I have been wracking my brain to think of how I can best serve and help you during this time when we're out of our normal routine and thrown into unusual circumstances. I met Deborah and loved how she infused self-care with energy, and I gratefully accepted her offer to guest post on the blog this week. 

I hope that you find as much value in these tips as I did! As always, please let me know what you think and if I can help you in any way. 

We all have demands on us that drain our energy. In fact, that is how humans are designed right? We put forth all day and then sleep hard at night! 

But sometimes we struggle to really RESTORE ourselves and our energy. 

The truth about Self Care that gets lost in pop culture is that it is more than getting massages, or treating yourself to a girls day, or taking the most amazing vacation ever. 

Self Care is any intentional action we take that cares for our mind, body, spirit, or emotions.  Using that as an outline, let's talk self care!

1. Care for Your Body.

It’s so easy to let caring for your body slide, especially if you don’t like what you see in the mirror. Out of sight, out of mind, you’ve got more important things to do right!??! Wrong! 

Taking care of your physical needs is most important, because if you don’t, then you have nothing to give. 

It’s so easy to recommend sleep to reenergize, but if you are a mama, sleep doesn’t just come! 

So what are other, practical ways, to recharge you throughout the day?

  • Schedule yourself 10-20min to exercise: yoga, walking, bench pressing babies... 😊

  • Pause to rest your mind and body for 10 minutes. 

  • Make your favorite smoothie.

  • Honor your physical space; cleaning can be a gift to yourself.

  • Celebrate one aspect of your body; this will lift your mood and improve your ability to care for it well.  

2. Care for Your Mind.

Mental health is no joke and we see the effects of neglected mental health everywhere. 

The truth is, our minds aren’t safe. At some point we can get so wrapped up in our own thoughts and beliefs it can be difficult to untangle them all without professional help. 

The first step of good mental health is acknowledging where you are. Is postpartum still kicking your head? Are long, lonely days at home leaving you confused as to the day? Are you struggling with being a working mom, the battle between heart and need? You aren’t alone! So why stay alone? 

  • Acknowledge out loud where you are mentally, telling your partner or a friend. 

  • Remember to take time throughout your day to talk to other adults.

  • Make a list of topics or tasks that excite your brain, and make time to enjoy them. 

  • Read books and write in a journal.

  • Remember to dream a little, set your inner creative free, down a happy path, and enjoy the ride!

3. Care for Your Spirit. 

We don’t always like to think about our spiritual selves; religion might not be your thing, but you still have a soul. 

In ancient Greek the word used is “Psuche” which means breath. The idea is that your spirit is your very breath, it is the core of who you are, and the ultimate purpose in your life. The Greeks also didn’t break humans down into these four parts, instead recognized that they are all one, all interconnected, and all valuable. 

In neglecting your spirit, free, religious, or otherwise, you neglect a very important part of who you are and all you can be. 

  • Make time for your daily religious practice.

  • Identify passions that you can live out every day within mom-life!

  • Identify your personal values; if you aren’t living in line with these values, you will have inner battles that are very draining. Living aligned with them, you will free up energy. 

  • Take time to identify who you are now, and who you want to be growing forward, and embrace your true spirit!

4. Care for Your Emotions.

Emotions, feelings, are just information telling us about what is happening around and in us. 

Because so much can change moment to moment, our feelings can often feel like a roller coaster. 

Scientists have now begun to see how these feelings are stored in the cells of our bodies, trauma, anxiety, and such. 

Remember that when you feel like you cannot care for your emotional world, that it's too overwhelming, psychotherapy can really help.

  • Crying is healthy. There is no shame in it. So have that good, cathartic cry.

  • When juggling multiple emotional worlds, remember your kids' emotions are theirs, they need to learn to process them. While it is your job to teach this, it's not your job to process it for them.

  • Make a habit to enjoy self-soothing practices, anything that calms and re-centers your emotional world.

  • Name your emotional need, and learn to identify what meets it, so that you can learn to ask for what you need. 

  • Giggle, flirt, and celebrate life with your partner; it's easy to get bogged down in the emotional depths of life - pause to enjoy the fun parts, too.

Today’s guest blogger is Deborah Sprague, a Certified Professional Coach who delights in helping clients break through barriers and reach personal goals! Teaching others how to Self Care has long been a passion of hers, and her favorite ways of caring for herself are hiking; listening to music; viewing art; and enjoying healthy, delicious, food! She can be found encouraging you to self care on Instagram and Facebook @PsucheLife

12 Foods To Eat Your Way To More Peace During Stressful Times

12 Foods To Eat Your Way To More Peace During Stressful Times
Right now, with most of society in a panic over the coronavirus (or as I've decided to call it, the Beer Flu), and almost everyone quarantined to home, our focus is on what to do with our time...and what to eat.
Too many of us are stressed out and all we can think to do is worry, get annoyed at the people who are worrying, or eat.
Let's talk about some foods that can help our bodies to release stress and maintain some peace.
1. Nuts
Selenium has been shown to help decrease anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Nuts are known for having high levels of this mineral. You only need a handful of mixed nuts or even just two Brazil nuts to increase your selenium levels. Nuts are also high in magnesium, which helps to relax the brain in high quantities. Peanuts and pumpkin seeds are great sources, but opt for unsalted. Nuts are a great way to fight stress!
2. Greens
Magnesium relaxes the brain, and also helps our nerves and muscles relax. Foods high in magnesium (in addition to nuts and seeds) are spinach, basil, and believe it or not, peppermint.
3. Dark Chocolate (my personal favorite)
Most people think of turkey when they hear tryptophan, but did you know that dark chocolate is rich in tryptophan too? The body uses tryptophan to create serotonin, which relaxes the brain. Be sure to choose dark chocolate that contains 70% or higher cacao.
4. Milk
Milk also contains tryptophan, and having a glass of warm milk specifically can be especially soothing.
5. Oats/Oatmeal
Now that we know all about tryptophan, it's good to note that complex carbs enhance the absorption of tryptophan. Oats and oatmeal are a great source, especially when you opt for oatmeal that doesn't contain a ton of sugar.
6. Kiwi
So we know about tryptophan, we know that it creates serotonin, and that it needs to be absorbed. Vitamin C helps to convert tryptophan into serotonin. Some great sources of Vitamin C are kiwi and oranges! Studies say that a diet rich in Vitamin C may help calm you and put you in a better frame of mind.
7. Shrimp and Salmon
We all know that fish is typically rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but did you know those can reduce anxiety and depression? Your best sources are shrimp and salmon.
8. Broccoli and Bananas
When you don't have enough potassium, you can feel tired, fatigued, irritable, and anxious. Both broccoli and bananas are known for their generous helpings of potassium in each serving.
9. Green Tea
L-theanine is an amino acid that has been shown to reduce stress, assist with relaxation, and enhance moods. A great way to serve up these amino acids to your body is by drinking green tea.
10. Yogurt and Kimchi
Foods with probiotics help to keep your gut healthy. A healthy gut can create a healthy environment for your mind and emotions. There is growing research that shows a connection between healthy bacteria in your gut and a healthy mental state.
11. Honey
Honey not only contains tryptophan, but it also contains potassium. It helps to fight off stress hormones and relaxes the nervous system.
12. Chickpeas
Another vitamin that helps lower stress hormones is folate, because it helps your body produce serotonin and dopamine to assist in mood regulation. It's also been shown to help lower the risk of depression. So throw those chickpeas on your salad, make some hummus, or toast some up for a crunchy snack!
To make your life just a little bit easier, I created a shopping list of the shelf stable foods so that you can easily find those products:
Which of these are you going to snack on first? 

I'm pretty sure it's obvious what mine will be...

Eat More for Energy? Sign Me Up!

Eat More for Energy? Sign Me Up!
If you're anything like me, you've probably been on a million and one diets throughout your life. Maybe you hit your goal weight, maybe you didn't - maybe you gained the weight back, or maybe you're trying now to maintain all of your hard work.
Cutting calories (safely) is a great way to lose weight.
But - the calories we DO consume can make or break our weight loss efforts AND our energy levels.
Eating a 150 calorie chocolate bar might not throw off your tracker for the day, but replacing it with some Greek yogurt and a banana can not only keep your tracker happy as well, but can also help you to feel great all day long and still keep your tracker happy.
There are SO many healthy foods that we already know we should be eating (and which ones we shouldn't!). 

How in the world are we supposed to know exactly which foods can give us the energy we need?
To take some of the guesswork out for you, I've compiled a list of the best foods to keep you energized throughout the day. As busy moms, we need to keep our energy on high so we can get #allthethings done, so here are some foods that you can incorporate into every meal.


  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Watermelon
  • Eggs
  • Coffee and Green Tea
  • Whole Grain Cereal
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Chia Seeds

Lunch and Dinner:

  • Avocados
  • Dark, leafy greens (Spinach, Kale, etc.)
  • Quinoa
  • Lentil
  • Tuna Fish
  • Beans
  • Wild Salmon
  • Lean Beef


  • Dates
  • Raw Almonds (no added oils or salt)
  • Edamame
  • Trail Mix
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Dark chocolate (70% cacao or more)
These are easy foods to spread throughout our day so that we can keep our energy on high.
Which of these are your favorites?

Exhausted? Here's how good old H2O can help!

Exhausted? Here's how good old H2O can help!
We all know we're supposed to drink more water. We read the articles that tell us our bodies are mostly made of water, and in order to function well, we have to make sure we stay hydrated.

Replenish fluids after exercise.

Drink more water on a hot day.

We know all of this, right?

But have you considered that the exhaustion, fatigue, irritability, and lack of concentration you experience could also be attributed to needing more water?

When we're tired, we tend to reach for that cup of coffee or candy bar for some quick energy. In last week's post, we talked about caffeine being a good source of quick energy. We also talked about how coffee's benefits are often short-lived. Sugar is the same way; it can pump you up for a minute until you come crashing down again.

Water gives every cell in our body energy to function the way it's designed to function. When that supply of water becomes depleted, our body has to work that much harder to keep itself going.

Dehydration can result in:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Sleepiness
  • Inability to focus
As moms, aren't these things that we all experience from time to time?

What if simply by drinking more water we could:

  • Increase our energy
  • Concentrate more fully
  • Stay awake throughout the day
  • Feel happier
  • Check off more of our to-do list each day
Don't get me wrong; you can't just drink a glass of water and instantly feel rejuvenated for hours.

Typically for mild dehydration, it takes your body a full 24 hours to rehydrate.

For moderation dehydration, your body could take a couple of days to return to its functional state.

If you are severely dehydrated, it might require medical attention for your body to fully rehydrate.

The typical rule of thumb that we all know well is to drink 8 glasses of water per day.

If that seems like a lot, remember that some of your water intake can come from some fruits and vegetables too!

It can help to gradually increase your water intake day-by-day. 

Next month, my team and I are going to challenge ourselves to drink water every day through the entire month of April, and by the end of the month, we'll all be drinking at least 8 glasses a day.
I'll have tips and recipes to help us throughout the challenge, and one of my team members is going to win a stainless steel water tumbler along with some other surprises to make drinking water more fun!
If you're already on my team, be on the look out for a sign-up coming soon.

If you're not yet on my team and would like info on how to join so you can be a part of our challenges and other fun, leave me a comment or send me a message!

And if you want some quick tips on how to boost your energy naturally, click here for my guide! 

Is caffeine really giving you energy? (Would it surprise you if I said yes?!)

Is caffeine really giving you energy? (Would it surprise you if I said yes?!)
As a busy mom, waking up at 4 o'dark in the morning, sometimes it can be difficult to get up and moving.

Even if you wake up later around 7 or 8 a.m., just getting started is so challenging.

So what's easy and comforting? That beautiful, glorious, rich-smelling, warm, comforting first cup of coffee. It's kind of like magic, right? The best part of waking up may not necessarily be Folgers, but it's definitely coffee.

OR - maybe you don't drink coffee. Maybe you prefer a crisp soda first thing in the morning. To each her own.

As we look for ways to feel more energized throughout the day, one obvious question we have to ask is, "Does caffeine really help my energy levels?"

The quick and easy answer is YES. Caffeine can help you feel not only more energetic, but also more focused.

For the more than 85% of adults regularly consume the amount of caffeine equal to about 2 cups of coffee per day, this is great news, right?! Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world.

The problem with caffeine is that its affects can only be felt for approximately 4-6 hours. If you wake up at 6 a.m. and have your first cup when you get to work at 8 a.m., that's worn off by 2 p.m. and you're crashing again.

Don't you want to feel great ALL day and not just for a few hours?

Caffeine can also cause a rapid heartbeat and increase blood pressure, which on the one hand could be helpful for some people - but for others, that's a huge health hazard. It can also cause heartburn, nausea, and vomiting when taken in large quantities (ever have more than 4 cups of coffee in a day? I sure have!).

Another downfall that may surprise you - caffeine prevents calcium absorption, which is especially important information for women as we *ahem* get older.

Here's the bottom line:

  • Caffeine can help you feel more alert
  • Caffeine can help you be more focused
  • Caffeine's effects are short-lived
  • Caffeine is a drug, so it can create dependency, induce withdrawal symptoms, and cause negative side effects
It's not bad to drink a cup or two of coffee every day.

The problem is when caffeine is your main source of energy. There are so many other sources of nutrition that can help us to feel more energized throughout the entire day, without the side effects of "too much caffeine" or withdrawal symptoms. We're going to explore some of that this month!

Your turn: how much caffeine do you consume each day? Do you get it from coffee, soda, food, energy drinks?

Tip: If you need more energy NOW, check out my guide on 5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy!

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