Hey sweet friend, pour a cup of coffee and let's talk about love—the real, gritty, God-designed kind that makes marriages thrive.
We hear “love” tossed around so casually ("Okay, love you, bye!"), but biblical love is in a league of its own.
It’s not just warm feelings or grand gestures; it’s patient, kind, and selfless. It’s the kind of love Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 13—love that doesn’t keep score, isn’t easily angered, and rejoices in the truth.
It's the kind of love that requires action - intentional acts done offered from a heart of obedience, not necessarily driven by emotion.
And let's be honest: this kind of love rarely comes naturally.
When your husband forgets to take out the trash (again), or it feels like you’re carrying the weight of the family on your shoulders, the love that “always protects, always trusts, always hopes” can feel out of reach.
But here’s the beautiful thing: biblical love isn’t something we manufacture on our own. It’s the love of Christ flowing through us, empowering us to love in ways we never could on our own.
Understanding biblical love starts with seeing marriage as a reflection of God’s love for His people.
Ephesians 5 reminds us that a husband and wife are meant to mirror Christ and the church—sacrificial love on one side, respectful submission on the other.
It’s a dance of mutual care and humility, and when we embrace God’s design, it transforms the way we relate to each other.
This week, take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 13 with fresh eyes, imagining each verse as a lens for your marriage. Pray and ask God to show you how to love your husband with more patience, more kindness, and less self-seeking. None of us do this perfectly, but by leaning on the Lord, we grow in grace every day.
Let’s commit to walking this out together, one loving action at a time. The ripple effects on your marriage will be worth it.

Sweet friend, we know a strong marriage doesn’t just happen like in movies. In real life, creating a heavenly marriage requires intentionality, prayer, and inviting God into the center of your relationship.
It's too easy to get lost in the busyness of life, or the frustration of being married to someone who sins just like you do, and you forget to ask God to guide you how He sees fit in your marriage.
Since we're still in the beginning of a brand new year, let’s talk about three simple ways to intentionally invite God into your marriage.
First, commit to praying over your marriage, yourself as a wife, and your husband, regularly. Even if your husband isn’t a Christian, your prayers can make a powerful difference. Ask God to guide your heart, give you wisdom, and work in your husband’s life. Trust that God is at work even when you don’t see immediate results.
- Pray over your marriage itself, that God will use it to raise strong, godly children, that He will use the two of you together to exemplify the relationship between Christ and the Church as He designed marriage to function.
- Pray over yourself, that you would grow into the godly wife He's created you to be, and the one your husband needs you to be. For Scripture-based prayers you can pray over your growth as a wife, check out the Prayer Cards I've created based on Titus 2 and 1 Peter 3 HERE.
- Pray over your husband, not just that he would be the godly husband you need him to be, but pray over him as a man in general: for blessings, success at work, for his growth as a dad, as a friend, as a follower of Christ (or that he would give his heart to Christ if he hasn't yet).
Second, apply Scripture to your own actions within your marriage. Focus on how you can reflect Christ through love, patience, and kindness. When you live out biblical principles, you create a testimony of God’s grace that speaks louder than words.
It's important to study God's Word so that you know what God expects of you as a wife. Understanding your own role as a wife, and committing to obey God's instructions to wives regardless of whether your husband obeys, is crucial. As you study, learning how to make observations, correctly interpret, and accurately apply what you're learning is so important.
Often we read over Scripture and don't actually absorb it, or allow it to transform us. God gave us His Word in order that we can get to know Him, His heart, and His instructions for us. If you find yourself frequently wishing you could just hear God speak audibly to you and tell you what to do or what He wants from you, it's possible that you aren't absorbing or being transformed yet by what you're reading in the Bible. I am passionate about helping women learn how to do this, so if you don't follow me yet on Instagram or Facebook, make sure to go follow me now, and get on my email list!
Third, create a Christ-centered atmosphere in your home. Play worship music, display Scripture art, and prioritize joy and peace in your daily interactions. Even small changes can create an environment where God’s presence feels tangible.
Allow your husband and children to see you put God first by setting aside time to study His Word each day, asking for that uninterrupted time when needed. Your kids don't need to always feel like they come first, especially when they're seeing you put God ahead of them for just a few minutes.
Eventually, as you are transformed by His Word, they will see those changes and notice how you respond in gentleness and kindness, rather than in frustration and anxiety - and THAT will make the biggest impact on your husband, and your kids.
Want more ideas for building a God-centered marriage - and home? Let’s connect on Instagram where you can find me at @missiannsmith. That's where I share practical tips and encouragement for Christian wives to help you learn how to study Scripture for yourself and apply it to YOUR marriage. Let’s make this the year of growth and unity in our marriages!

The start of a new year feels like a blank page, doesn’t it? There’s something so refreshing about knowing you can turn the corner and start fresh.
But if you’re anything like me, you might also feel a little overwhelmed.
There are a million and one new ideas for organizing your home. A thousand posts about how to reinvigorate and stir new passion into your marriage. Hundreds of suggestions for how to create routines that will help you to move your body and drink more water.
Or maybe it's your your faith that feels a bit stale, and you’re wondering which influencer to follow to rekindle that passion for God. Maybe you feel a little guilty because last year's resolutions didn't stick through the year.
Let me reassure you: God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23), and He’s ready to meet you right where you are.
And friend - when you meet with Him consistently, that one single step will refresh EVERY other area of your life.
Here is my encouragement to you: instead of jumping into an ambitious Bible reading plan that feels daunting, start with one passage or chapter a day and ask God to open your mind to His wisdom and grant you understanding.
Couple this with prayer—an honest conversation with Him about your fears, your desire to grow spiritually, your needs for your marriage, kids, work, and friendships, and your desire to surrender everything to His perfect will.
Trust that He can and will work in your heart as you first make it a priority to seek Him in Scripture, and second make it a priority to lay everything at His feet in obedience to Him.
Consider setting a faith-led goal for the year. Maybe it’s to study one book of the Bible deeply (you don't have to read the entire Bible in a year in order to grow!), memorize Scripture (perhaps one verse a month?), or pray regularly with your husband (or pray for him, if praying together isn't an option).
Whatever it is, make it personal and meaningful. And remember, you don’t have to do this alone! Surround yourself with women who will encourage and support you in your journey.
If you know God is calling you to take this one step to draw closer to Him, I would love to invite you to enroll in the Wives of the Word: Bible Study Methods for Women course! Doors are currently open, but only until THIS Friday, January 10, 2025.
This is your opportunity to start 2025 refreshed, with the tools and confidence to study Scripture deeply (even on the days you only have a few minutes), apply God’s truths to your marriage, parenting, and life, and grow into the women God has called you to be - while I hold your hand and guide you step-by-step, and with the encouragement and support of other women learning alongside you.
Enroll now and take the first step toward a life of spiritual renewal and joy! Doors close Friday, so don't miss out!
Let’s start this year with hearts renewed and ready for what God has in store!

Sweet friend, I see you there – maybe scrolling through your phone while trying to catch a quiet moment, feeling that familiar ache in your heart as another year draws to a close.
That yearning to feel more present in your life, more anchored in your purpose, more confident in your decisions.
I know that deep down, you're longing to be the calm, joyful presence your family needs, instead of feeling constantly overwhelmed and stretched thin.
You're tired of running on empty, of second-guessing yourself, of wondering if you're making the right choices for your family.
Most of all, you're craving that clear connection with God – that gentle, guiding Voice that helps you navigate the beautiful chaos of being a wife and mom with grace and wisdom.
I've walked this road too, and I want to share something that might surprise you: that peace and purpose you're seeking? That calm assurance and joy that feels just out of reach?
It's not hiding in another planning system or self-care routine.
The transformation you're longing for starts in the quietest, simplest moments with God – even if those moments look nothing like the picture-perfect devotional times you see on social media.
Can I share something deeply personal with you? When I was in that same overwhelmed space, desperately seeking answers and direction, I discovered something that changed everything.
It wasn't another productivity hack or morning routine – it was learning how to truly connect with God in the small pockets of time I actually had, not the perfect quiet time I thought I needed.
Here's what I've learned: the secret isn't in having hours of uninterrupted study time (but wouldn't that be nice?). It's in learning how to make the most of whatever time you do have – whether that's 5 minutes or 50.
Here's the thing: I know that the peace and direction you're searching for isn't found in doing more or trying harder – it's found in learning how to quiet your heart and connect with God in the midst of your beautiful, messy reality.
And sweet friend, I want you to know something important: God isn't standing there with a stopwatch, disappointed when you can only give Him five minutes between making breakfast and getting the kids ready for school.
He's waiting to meet you right where you are, even if that's just a few precious moments while you're waiting in the school pickup line. Those few minutes, when you know how to use them well, can become the foundation of the transformation you're craving.
When you learn how to truly unpack God's Word – even in those small moments – something beautiful happens. Those Scripture passages you've read a hundred times suddenly spring to life with new meaning, speaking directly into your marriage, your parenting, your daily struggles.
That's why I'm so excited to invite you to my free Routine to Revival workshop coming up THIS WEEK.
This isn't just another Bible study method that will leave you feeling overwhelmed – it's a simple, grace-filled approach that will help you discover God's wisdom for your specific season of life.
You'll learn how to make the most of those precious minutes you have, turning them into powerful moments of connection that will ripple through your entire day, affecting how you respond to your husband, how you parent your children, and how you navigate life's challenges.
Imagine walking into 2025 with a renewed sense of purpose and peace. Picture yourself starting each day – even the chaotic ones – anchored in God's truth, drawing from His strength instead of trying to power through on your own.
Think about how it would feel to finally have that clear connection with God you've been longing for, to feel His guidance as you make decisions for your family, to see His fruits of patience, joy, and peace flowing naturally into your relationships.
This isn't about adding another task to your already full plate – it's about finding the source of strength and wisdom you need to pour into your family from a place of fullness rather than exhaustion.
The workshop will take place January 2nd, with another optional session on January 3rd and a final opportunity on January 10th (registration closes January 2nd).
Sweet friend, I know this could be the fresh start you've been praying for – not just for your Bible study routine, but for your whole life as a wife and mom.
I'd love to walk alongside you and show you how these simple moments with God can transform everything.
There's even more waiting for you in this workshop than I can share here, but I know this: God has beautiful things in store for you and your family this coming year, and it starts with these small, intentional moments in His presence.

Okay sweet friend, let's have a heart-to-heart about something you and I both face - those moments when your quiet time feels more like a checklist than just spending time with God. I've been there, and I want to share some insights I've learned along the way. ❤️
When Your Quiet Time Needs a Reset: 5 Common Struggles (and How to Move Forward with Grace)
Can I be completely honest with you? Sometimes I still hit those seasons where my quiet time feels disconnected or routine. Maybe you're in one right now and if you are, I want you to know you're normal.
There's so much grace for wherever you are in your journey. And if you're feeling that gentle nudge to deepen your time with God, I want to walk through that with you.
Here are five challenges I've faced in my own walk (and I'm sure you can relate to most of these!):
The Devotional Dependency
Oh friend, I lived here for years! While devotionals and pre-written Bible studies by biblically sound teachers can be beautiful companions to your quiet time (and there's nothing wrong with loving them!), I discovered that relying solely on them was the problem - that was keeping me from experiencing the full richness of God's Word.
Try this instead: Start with just you and your Bible. Pick a passage, even a short one, and ask God what He wants to show you personally. It's like moving from reading someone else's opinions about THEIR Father to receiving your own direct message from your Father.
The Distraction Dance
I'm sure you've been there - trying to read while simultaneously answering texts, making mental to-do lists (or literally putting your Bible down to add to your to-do list!), or getting pulled into family needs. Although it can be frustrating, it's also normal.
Try this instead: I've found that creating what I call a "sanctuary moment" makes such a difference. Find your quiet corner (mine's the couch before anyone wakes up), put your phone in another room (yes, really!), and give yourself permission (or better yet, admonition) to be fully present with God. Even if it's just for 15 minutes, make them focused minutes.
TIP: Don't allow the guilt! Guilt is one way the enemy (or even your own brain) will try to keep you from strengthening your faith. It's EASY to feel like you're ignoring your family or neglecting your "duties", especially if you can't do this before anyone else is awake. Consider this truth: when you make time with the Lord a priority, and your children and husband SEE how important it is to you, they will also see the amazing fruit that results from it, and through your example they will be more inclined to cultivate their own habit of time with God. How incredible is it that you can have that influence over your family, simply by committing to your own quiet time with the Lord?!
The Prayer Skip
Can I share something vulnerable? I used to jump straight into Bible reading because prayer felt... awkward at times. Maybe even (dare I say) boring. I mean, you don't even hear Him audibly respond. But here's what changed everything: thinking of prayer as simply sharing my heart with the One who cares the most to hear it!
Try this instead: Start with "God, please open my eyes and mind to hear and understand what You want to teach me today" and let the conversation flow naturally. It's not about perfect words - it's about showing up with an open heart.
FREE RESOURCE: What helps me stay focused when I pray is having a guided journal, where I can use bullet points (or paragraphs, whatever I'm feeling at the time) to write down my praises, prayers, and requests for various areas of my life. I created this FREE 31-Day Guided Prayer Journal with prompts originally for myself, because I couldn't find one I was looking for, and then I decided to make a version that you could use too! It has 31 different prompts for your husband, your children, and other areas of focused prayer like church leaders or struggling families. It also has space for praises to God, a section for prayers over yourself, and an area for any additional miscellaneous prayers (which is helpful when you're praying daily for something specific like a friend's health or marriage crisis). CLICK HERE to download your FREE copy!
The Rush and Run
In your busy mom/wife life, it's so tempting to speed through your quiet time like you're racing through a drive-thru. But sweet friend, quality is so much more important than quantity.
Try this instead: I've learned that sitting with just a few verses and really letting them sink into your heart can be more transformative than racing through an entire chapter. Give yourself permission to slow down and savor. Don't get me wrong, reading several chapters in order to understand the context of what's happening or being written about is hugely important. But taking a few minutes to savor just a few verses is better than reading an entire chapter and not remembering anything that you read.
The Duty Mindset
This one hits close to home. As a "good Christian wife and mom", it's easy to feel like quiet time and Bible study are things you're just supposed to do. They talk about it on Sunday mornings, you hear about it on social media, and you know that as a Christian, you're expected to fit into that mold of the woman who regularly reads her verse-of-the-day or participates in her women's ministry's Bible study.
Try this instead: When quiet time starts feeling like another task on your to-do list, pause and remember - this is an invitation to spend time with Someone who delights in you. When you feel disconnected, be gentle with yourself. Know that your feelings aren't necessarily truth. Take just a few minutes to linger over one verse, one paragraph, one passage, or one chapter of God's Word. Breathe this prayer: "Lord, help me see this time with fresh eyes. Remind me of your love." Sometimes just shifting your perspective from having to do quiet time to getting to spend time with the One who loves you the most, changes everything. It's part of taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Remember, sweet friend - this isn't about perfection. It's about progress and presence. Every time you show up to meet with God, whether it's for 5 minutes or 50, whether you're fully focused or fighting distractions, it matters. You're building a relationship, and like any relationship, it has seasons and rhythms.
Are you ready to dive deeper into creating meaningful and transformational quiet time?
I'd love for you to check out my FREE Quieting Your Mind Guide - it's filled with gentle prompts and practical tools I've gathered along my own journey. No pressure, just support for wherever you are in your walk - and you only need a few minutes.
What struggles have you faced in your quiet time? I'd love to hear your story and walk alongside you. Drop a comment below - let's encourage each other in this journey. ❤️