The start of a new year feels like a blank page, doesn’t it? There’s something so refreshing about knowing you can turn the corner and start fresh.
But if you’re anything like me, you might also feel a little overwhelmed.
There are a million and one new ideas for organizing your home. A thousand posts about how to reinvigorate and stir new passion into your marriage. Hundreds of suggestions for how to create routines that will help you to move your body and drink more water.
Or maybe it's your your faith that feels a bit stale, and you’re wondering which influencer to follow to rekindle that passion for God. Maybe you feel a little guilty because last year's resolutions didn't stick through the year.
Let me reassure you: God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23), and He’s ready to meet you right where you are.
And friend - when you meet with Him consistently, that one single step will refresh EVERY other area of your life.
Here is my encouragement to you: instead of jumping into an ambitious Bible reading plan that feels daunting, start with one passage or chapter a day and ask God to open your mind to His wisdom and grant you understanding.
Couple this with prayer—an honest conversation with Him about your fears, your desire to grow spiritually, your needs for your marriage, kids, work, and friendships, and your desire to surrender everything to His perfect will.
Trust that He can and will work in your heart as you first make it a priority to seek Him in Scripture, and second make it a priority to lay everything at His feet in obedience to Him.
Consider setting a faith-led goal for the year. Maybe it’s to study one book of the Bible deeply (you don't have to read the entire Bible in a year in order to grow!), memorize Scripture (perhaps one verse a month?), or pray regularly with your husband (or pray for him, if praying together isn't an option).
Whatever it is, make it personal and meaningful. And remember, you don’t have to do this alone! Surround yourself with women who will encourage and support you in your journey.
If you know God is calling you to take this one step to draw closer to Him, I would love to invite you to enroll in the Wives of the Word: Bible Study Methods for Women course! Doors are currently open, but only until THIS Friday, January 10, 2025.
This is your opportunity to start 2025 refreshed, with the tools and confidence to study Scripture deeply (even on the days you only have a few minutes), apply God’s truths to your marriage, parenting, and life, and grow into the women God has called you to be - while I hold your hand and guide you step-by-step, and with the encouragement and support of other women learning alongside you.
Enroll now and take the first step toward a life of spiritual renewal and joy! Doors close Friday, so don't miss out!
Let’s start this year with hearts renewed and ready for what God has in store!

Sweet friend, I see you there – maybe scrolling through your phone while trying to catch a quiet moment, feeling that familiar ache in your heart as another year draws to a close.
That yearning to feel more present in your life, more anchored in your purpose, more confident in your decisions.
I know that deep down, you're longing to be the calm, joyful presence your family needs, instead of feeling constantly overwhelmed and stretched thin.
You're tired of running on empty, of second-guessing yourself, of wondering if you're making the right choices for your family.
Most of all, you're craving that clear connection with God – that gentle, guiding Voice that helps you navigate the beautiful chaos of being a wife and mom with grace and wisdom.
I've walked this road too, and I want to share something that might surprise you: that peace and purpose you're seeking? That calm assurance and joy that feels just out of reach?
It's not hiding in another planning system or self-care routine.
The transformation you're longing for starts in the quietest, simplest moments with God – even if those moments look nothing like the picture-perfect devotional times you see on social media.
Can I share something deeply personal with you? When I was in that same overwhelmed space, desperately seeking answers and direction, I discovered something that changed everything.
It wasn't another productivity hack or morning routine – it was learning how to truly connect with God in the small pockets of time I actually had, not the perfect quiet time I thought I needed.
Here's what I've learned: the secret isn't in having hours of uninterrupted study time (but wouldn't that be nice?). It's in learning how to make the most of whatever time you do have – whether that's 5 minutes or 50.
Here's the thing: I know that the peace and direction you're searching for isn't found in doing more or trying harder – it's found in learning how to quiet your heart and connect with God in the midst of your beautiful, messy reality.
And sweet friend, I want you to know something important: God isn't standing there with a stopwatch, disappointed when you can only give Him five minutes between making breakfast and getting the kids ready for school.
He's waiting to meet you right where you are, even if that's just a few precious moments while you're waiting in the school pickup line. Those few minutes, when you know how to use them well, can become the foundation of the transformation you're craving.
When you learn how to truly unpack God's Word – even in those small moments – something beautiful happens. Those Scripture passages you've read a hundred times suddenly spring to life with new meaning, speaking directly into your marriage, your parenting, your daily struggles.
That's why I'm so excited to invite you to my free Routine to Revival workshop coming up THIS WEEK.
This isn't just another Bible study method that will leave you feeling overwhelmed – it's a simple, grace-filled approach that will help you discover God's wisdom for your specific season of life.
You'll learn how to make the most of those precious minutes you have, turning them into powerful moments of connection that will ripple through your entire day, affecting how you respond to your husband, how you parent your children, and how you navigate life's challenges.
Imagine walking into 2025 with a renewed sense of purpose and peace. Picture yourself starting each day – even the chaotic ones – anchored in God's truth, drawing from His strength instead of trying to power through on your own.
Think about how it would feel to finally have that clear connection with God you've been longing for, to feel His guidance as you make decisions for your family, to see His fruits of patience, joy, and peace flowing naturally into your relationships.
This isn't about adding another task to your already full plate – it's about finding the source of strength and wisdom you need to pour into your family from a place of fullness rather than exhaustion.
The workshop will take place January 2nd, with another optional session on January 3rd and a final opportunity on January 10th (registration closes January 2nd).
Sweet friend, I know this could be the fresh start you've been praying for – not just for your Bible study routine, but for your whole life as a wife and mom.
I'd love to walk alongside you and show you how these simple moments with God can transform everything.
There's even more waiting for you in this workshop than I can share here, but I know this: God has beautiful things in store for you and your family this coming year, and it starts with these small, intentional moments in His presence.

How well are you sleeping?
Not only does inadequate sleep affect your mood and emotions, but it also has long-term damaging effects on your heart and circulatory system, metabolic system, immune system, nervous system, brain function, and mental health.
Taking care of your body by ensuring you get enough sleep is vital in order to effectively care for your family, manage your emotions, and respond biblically to challenging situations.
Prioritizing sleep is an essential aspect of self-care that is often overlooked.
Check out the full post for tips and to download your FREE Sleep Checklist!

How often do you hear about nutrition as it relates to being a better wife (and this has NOTHING to do with weight loss or physical appearance!)?
When we treat our bodies well with proper nutrition, they function better, leading to improved emotional well-being. On the other hand, consuming excessive sugar and processed foods can leave our bodies struggling to process what they weren't designed to handle, leading to negative emotional effects such as lethargy, irritability, and anxiety.
Read the full post for a little bit about my own experience of maintaining a healthy diet despite being a busy mom. You'll find a few tips and suggestions for simple and convenient foods, along with how incorporating clean supplements into your routine can further support your physical and emotional health.
By prioritizing proper nutrition and taking care of your body, you will be better equipped to serve your husband and family.
You know...but do you KNOW?
Scripture tells us our bodies are God's temples...and we shouldn't destroy God's temple.
Have you considered that a lack of exercise could be contributing to the destruction of your body, which is God's temple?
Click through to the full post for some tips on how to get started, a great FREE resource, and some ways that regular exercise can help your growth as a godly wife!