Your One-Step 2025 Refresh!

Your One-Step 2025 Refresh!
The start of a new year feels like a blank page, doesn’t it? There’s something so refreshing about knowing you can turn the corner and start fresh. 

But if you’re anything like me, you might also feel a little overwhelmed. 

There are a million and one new ideas for organizing your home. A thousand posts about how to reinvigorate and stir new passion into your marriage. Hundreds of suggestions for how to create routines that will help you to move your body and drink more water. 

Or maybe it's your your faith that feels a bit stale, and you’re wondering which influencer to follow to rekindle that passion for God. Maybe you feel a little guilty because last year's resolutions didn't stick through the year. 

Let me reassure you: God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23), and He’s ready to meet you right where you are.

And friend - when you meet with Him consistently, that one single step will refresh EVERY other area of your life.

Here is my encouragement to you: instead of jumping into an ambitious Bible reading plan that feels daunting, start with one passage or chapter a day and ask God to open your mind to His wisdom and grant you understanding. 

Couple this with prayer—an honest conversation with Him about your fears, your desire to grow spiritually, your needs for your marriage, kids, work, and friendships, and your desire to surrender everything to His perfect will. 

Trust that He can and will work in your heart as you first make it a priority to seek Him in Scripture, and second make it a priority to lay everything at His feet in obedience to Him.

Consider setting a faith-led goal for the year. Maybe it’s to study one book of the Bible deeply (you don't have to read the entire Bible in a year in order to grow!), memorize Scripture (perhaps one verse a month?), or pray regularly with your husband (or pray for him, if praying together isn't an option). 

Whatever it is, make it personal and meaningful. And remember, you don’t have to do this alone!  Surround yourself with women who will encourage and support you in your journey. 

If you know God is calling you to take this one step to draw closer to Him, I would love to invite you to enroll in the Wives of the Word: Bible Study Methods for Women course! Doors are currently open, but only until THIS Friday, January 10, 2025. 

This is your opportunity to start 2025 refreshed, with the tools and confidence to study Scripture deeply (even on the days you only have a few minutes), apply God’s truths to your marriage, parenting, and life, and grow into the women God has called you to be - while I hold your hand and guide you step-by-step, and with the encouragement and support of other women learning alongside you. 

Enroll now and take the first step toward a life of spiritual renewal and joy! Doors close Friday, so don't miss out!

Let’s start this year with hearts renewed and ready for what God has in store!

Daily Habits of a Godly Wife: Keep Your Home - And Your Soul - Free of Clutter

Daily Habits of a Godly Wife: Keep Your Home - And Your Soul - Free of Clutter
How in the world does clutter have an effect on being a godly wife? We're wrapping up our series on the Daily Habits of a Godly Wife with today's post!

Some might say that as a godly wife, your role is a keeper at home, so that's the only reason you should keep your home well. That's not what we're talking about today.

In this post, we'll explore how clutter in our homes - and in our souls - can affect our behavior as godly wives. 

Not only does a clean and organized home create a sense of calm, but it also frees up space in our minds and schedules. 

In addition to physical clutter, we also have a need to address mental clutter. Negative thoughts and anxious concerns can wreak havoc on our emotions, but we have the power to choose what thoughts to entertain and what to reject. 

Be sure to read the whole post for some tips and a FREE resource I use and love!

Daily Habits of a Godly Wife: Focus On Gratitude

Daily Habits of a Godly Wife: Focus On Gratitude
We've all heard this before:

"I think, therefore I am."
As trite as that is, there is truth in that what we focus on is what takes priority in our hearts and minds.

What you think about, grows.

When you focus on how your husband didn't take out the trash, or didn't take you out for your anniversary, those things will become the most important factors, and your heart will harden towards him.

On the other hand, if you focus on the fact that he goes to work every day to provide for your family, or how he complimented the last meal you cooked, your heart will soften towards him.

BUT - practicing daily gratitude towards your husband is only one factor in cultivating a heart of thanksgiving and a spirit of godly contentment.

We must also focus on Christ as our sufficiency in ALL things. 

Sweet friend, if you have given your life to Christ and make it your goal to obey and follow Him, then you know you have a reward coming in heaven. 

Christ IS our reward, and we are promised eternity with Him. 

Making Him our focus, being grateful for that promise, considering all of His attributes, remembering all of the blessings He's poured out on us - THAT is how we ensure a soft heart that finds contentment in ALL things. 

Here's a tangible tip for you: keep multiple gratitude journals.

  • One for general gratitude.
  • One for thankfulness towards your husband.
  • One for appreciation of your children (and bonus kids!).
One November, I kept a gratitude journal for the month for my husband and each of the kids (my bonus kids and my bio daughter). On December 1, I left their journals on their pillows.

Another year, I kept one for my husband for the entire year, from January 1-December 31, and gifted it to him on New Year's Eve. 

Intentionally writing down words of thankfulness, focusing on what we appreciate about them, whether it's acts of service they performed or considering a quality about their personality or an attribute they possess, helps us to focus our hearts on things that are true, pure, lovely, and praiseworthy, as Philippians 4:8 instructs us.

Cultivating a heart of daily gratitude is such an important part of growing as a godly wife.

I'd love to hear - have you ever kept a gratitude journal? Is that something you would like to do for your husband or children? 
Share in the comments!

When joy is elusive...

When joy is elusive...
When you're in a difficult season, it's so easy to feel defeated.

  • When your child is a prodigal.
  • When your marriage is falling apart.
  • When your doctor gives you a terrible diagnosis. 
  • When a loved one dies.
  • When you lose a home, a job, or a friendship.
  • When finances are tight, or non-existent.
It can be SO easy to think to yourself, "If only this would change, I could be happy. If only..."

What does God have to say about things like this?

First, we are to weep with others when they weep. When you find yourself in a season of weeping, you allow yourself to weep and work through those emotions, and you surround yourself with people who, like Job's friends, will just sit in the weeping with you.

Second, you lean into God as your source of comfort, of relief, and of your JOY.

Scripture tells us in Romans 18:18:
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us."
It's important to remember that nothing happening to us on earth can compare to the beauty and indescribable joy awaiting us in eternity. 

When we get there, nothing here will matter anymore. All that will matter is being in the presence of Jesus. 

Yes, it's painful to think about your child rejecting God and missing out on this glory. It's painful to walk through a divorce, or scary medical diagnosis, or a betrayal.

But when you feel as though you need your child's salvation, or your marriage to be a godly marriage, or you need to have all of your bills paid, in order to feel joy, then you have elevated those things ABOVE Jesus.

When you seek something other than Jesus for your joy, you've made that thing an idol.
Christ is sufficient for us. 

2 Corinthians 5:8 tells us
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."
We have all sufficiency, in ALL things, at ALL times. And the reason for this is so that we can abound in every good work.

It's difficult to do good works when we're anxious, depressed, waiting on something else to bring us joy, isn't it?

Sweet friend, you don't have to wait to do good. You don't have to wait to find JOY.

Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
James 1:2-4
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
Proverbs 10:28
The hope of the righteous brings joy, but the expectation of the wicked will perish.
When we place our focus on Christ, and recognize His sufficiency and ability to BE our complete joy, we will have that joy in abundance - even when we aren't getting the earthly things we want or think we need.

Can you believe this today? 
Can you believe Christ alone is sufficiently able to bring you all joy and peace, regardless of your earthly circumstances?

Comment below and let me know how I can pray over you today.

4 Steps to Take Your Thoughts Captive

4 Steps to Take Your Thoughts Captive
Can you easily stop thinking negative thoughts?

If you're like most people, the answer is no. 

It's not easy - it's also not impossible.

Scripture instructs us to "take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ." (2 Cor. 10:5)

But how do I do that, and how can it help my marriage?

Here are some steps to take:

1. Recognize the negative thought.
Our feelings are a result of our thoughts. If you are feeling irritable, angry, hurt, or sad, notice what thoughts you've been thinking.

2. Once you've identified the thought, ask yourself, "Is this true? Is it factual? Is it possible that this is only my opinion or perception?"
Truth is something that would hold up in a court of law. If it's open to interpretation (e.g. obviously he doesn't care, he's lazy, he's self-absorbed), then it isn't truth. Sometimes we need to ask God for wisdom and discernment to recognize the lies, because the enemy can disguise these as truth.

3. Pray over the thought and release it to God. 
Thank Him for His willingness to take it from you, and for His mercy and forgiveness. Pray over your husband, or whomever else you had the negative thought. Praying for the person who hurt us can change our thoughts dramatically.

4. Replace the thought with something that is "pure, lovely, and praiseworthy" according to Philippians 4:8.
It's not enough to try and just stop thinking a negative thought. We have to replace it with a positive one. Pray over your husband, or whomever else you had the negative thought. Praying for the person who hurt us can change our thoughts dramatically. Consider their situation and view it from their point of view. Offer the same measure of grace you would offer yourself. Seek to assign positive motives for their behavior, such as they were truly trying to help, they really didn't mean to cause harm and just didn't recognize it, or they were so busy and could probably use some understanding and support.

When you change your thoughts, you change your feelings. When you feel more positive, you will treat your husband more positively. It sounds simple, but this can have such a profound effect on your marriage!

We hear all the time that we should take our thoughts captive, but the practical application and how-to are often missing. 

My prayer is that these four steps will be helpful in arming you to battle against negative, false, and harmful thoughts that do not serve you, or your marriage.

Sweet friend, how can I pray over you and your marriage today? Share in the comments or email me directly!

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