Can you relate to this story?

Can you relate to this story?
Picture this: Christmas morning, you wake up, make a cup of coffee (or tea), and everyone gathers around the tree to open up gifts.

You're SO excited, because you wrapped up the PERFECT gift for your kid. They've been begging you for this over and over again, sometimes with tears in their eyes, for MONTHS.

As the pile of presents grows smaller and smaller with each gift opened, you see that shiny, beautifully wrapped, ribbon-laden box with the tag that has your child's name on it.

They reach for it, and you hold your breath as they tear off the paper and open the lid to see what's inside.

Overwhelming joy rushes out of them as they thank you and hug you and thank you some more. You can't help but feel like Best Mom In the Universe!

The next day, you notice the box is still there, with the gift still inside. A week later, it hasn't been touched or moved.

A month later, your kid comes to you with tears, begging for this one gift again. You remind them that you've already given it to them, and their response is, "But...I keep forgetting it's there, and when I remember, the instructions just seem too difficult!"

And this amazing gift sits unused, because your child has made the choice to not take hold of it.

This, my sweet friend, is what we often do with Jesus' gift of PEACE. 

In John 14:27, Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

We beg Him for it, with tears in our eyes. He hands it to us in a shiny package called the Bible, wrapped in the Holy Spirit, and we leave it to sit unused. 

Does that sound familiar to you, even just a little bit?

Yes, His peace comes with instructions, but they are clearly laid out for us and simple to follow

Not easy - sometimes it's much easier to NOT follow them. Which is probably why we make the choice to ignore them, and then His peace sits unused yet again. But friend, that is OUR choice. God isn't taking that gift back, or hiding it from us. It's sitting right where we left it; we're just making the choice to ignore it and His instructions.

If you struggle with feelings of depression, anxiety, fear, worry, helplessness, hopelessness, or anything like those, please know that Jesus has already given you His peace. It is YOURS. It cannot be taken away from you. You can choose to ignore it, or you can choose to read the instructions and learn how to use it. But the gift is YOURS and the choice is YOURS.

I would be honored to talk more about this with you and pray with you. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime! 

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Bursts of Energy - From the Outside, IN! (AKA - The Lazy Girl's Guide to Energy 😄)

Bursts of Energy - From the Outside, IN! (AKA - The Lazy Girl's Guide to Energy 😄)
When we talk about boosting our energy, we often hear things like "drink more water", "get some exercise", "take your vitamins", and other things we need to physically DO. 

But what are some external sources that can sometimes increase - or zap - our energy?

Exposure to Light

Have you heard of Seasonal Depressive Disorder? It's a real thing. That's when some people experience feelings of depression during the months when there is much less sunlight. The weather isn't as pretty, so we often stay indoors.

It's also common for people who work indoors under florescent lights all day to experience some symptoms of fatigue and depression, due to lack of natural light.

If you find this is the case for you as well, try making a habit of spending at least 10-15 intentional minutes outdoors each day. Even if it's cloudy, you can still reap the benefits of UV exposure and increased Vitamin D, which will boost your energy.


Our sense of smell is very powerful and can bring up a lot of memories. If we smell something that reminds us of something painful, that can drain our energy. Synthetic fragrances made in a lab with lots of chemicals can be incredibly draining as well, because our bodies weren't designed to process manmade chemicals. When we're around a lot of "fragrances", our bodies are fighting to work through those which means other functions (e.g. energy producing functions) can sometimes lag. 

It's helpful to surround yourself with natural scents that uplift and encourage you. Fresh baked bread or desserts are wonderful if they invoke happy memories. Flowers and plants are great choices. An easy way to access scents like this is with essential oils! Just be sure you know the source of the oils you use, because so many are mis-labled and actually contain fillers or synthetic chemicals to make them more cost effective (I will only use Young Living because of their transparency and commitment to quality).

What You See

Scientists tell us that many different colors can invoke certain emotions, which can greatly affect our energy. Surrounding yourself with bright colors like yellow, orange, and green can be helpful. More muted colors such as grays, browns, and blacks might drain energy. 

If you're able to paint your walls with colors that energize you, go for it! If that's not an option, some things you can do are to buy decorations like wall art, flowers, pillows, desk accessories in the colors of your choice. 

What You Hear

When you surround yourself with sounds of complaints, or the musings of the melancholy, it's easy to take those feelings on yourself. Negative feelings like these can very quickly suck the life and energy right out of you! 

If you find yourself listening to people who tend to complain a lot, make an effort to infuse the conversation with positivity, or consider spending less time with those people and more time with those who are upbeat. 

Take some time to think about the music, podcasts, and shows you listen to. Do you feel encouraged, lifted up, and optimistic afterwards? Or do they leave you feeling sad or downtrodden? What enters our minds via words and music can have a dramatic effect on our emotions, which can then affect our energy levels.

After evaluating these different external elements, what are some areas where you think you could benefit from a few tweaks or changes? 

To grab my FREE guide on 5 Ways To Boost Your Energy, click here!

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5 Instant Self-Care Ideas for Busy Moms

5 Instant Self-Care Ideas for Busy Moms

Most of the moms I know who are stressed out and in desperate need of self-care are the same moms who insist that they simply don’t have time

Between full-time work; distance learning with multiple children; running a household; building a business; supporting a husband; and being a friend, there just seems to be no time left at the end of the day.

I think a lot of the time, we equate self-care with taking a long bubble bath, or spending an hour at the gym.

What if I told you that some self-care activities could be done in just minutes, or even seconds? 

If you find yourself too busy to commit to regular self-care, check out a few of these instant (or almost-instant!) self-care ideas.

1. Stretch

Stand up, put your hands on your back like they’re in your back pockets, and do a back extension. We spend so much time hunched over our computers, leaning forward over the stove, putting laundry away. This simple stretch is SO good for our backs! Then just raise your hands overhead and stretch upwards. 

2. Drink water

The time it takes to get up and fill a glass of water, then drink it, can be used as just a minute to breathe. This also helps you to get a little more hydrated, which can do wonders for your mindset and health. 

3. Check out the daily story on the Bible app

This is a new feature that has only just recently rolled out. It’s the verse of the day, a 1-3 minute video thought from a pastor or Bible teacher, a quick devotional to read, and then a 1-2 sentence prayer. It’s new every day, it’s not a plan that requires you to stay caught up, it takes only minutes, and it’s always refreshing. If you miss a day, it’s no big deal. You’re not behind, you just check out the story the next day.

4. Use a Stress Away roller

Stress Away is one of my favorite Young Living essential oil blends. I keep a roller in my purse to use any time I need it, and I diffuse it a LOT now being home all the time. If you’ve never used it before, I would be more than happy to send you a sample! Just one quick inhale of this blend and you feel like you’re transported to a tropical island. 

5. Pet your dog or cat

Did you know studies show people with pets live longer? Why is that? Because spending a minute petting our furry family can slow our heart rate and release dopamine and seratonin, which regulates your mood and reduces stress. Just make someone else clean up the poop. 

Here are a few other bonus ideas for you:
  • Send a short Facebook message or text to check in on a friend
  • Mail a hand-written letter or quick postcard
  • Go for a quick, 5-10 minute walk

I also know that the idea of making sure you complete some kind of self-care can feel daunting and stressful in itself, because it’s just one more thing you “should” be doing. If none of these activities resonates with you, find something that DOES.

True self-care is taking care of yourSELF, not anyone else, so you need to find things that make you feel good. If you miss a day, don’t stress. 

Just know that YOU are important. You can’t serve anyone if you’re stressed to the point of sickness. It’s imperative that you stay healthy, and one major component to this is finding whatever self-care works for you.

So tell me, if you had all the time and money in the world, what act of self-care would you choose?

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To grab my free resource on 5 Ways to Boost Your Energy, click here!

5 Ways to Stay Positive During a Pandemic

5 Ways to Stay Positive During a Pandemic
How often would you say you complain?

According to an article on, research shows most people complain about once a minute during a typical conversation. That's a LOT! 🤯

Most of the time we complain because we want to "vent", and it just feels good to know that other people feel our pain and empathize with our situation.

When we complain, our brain builds pathways to ease the flow of information, which just makes it that much easier to complain again and again.
And again...

Eventually complaining becomes our default behavior, which not only damages our relationships, but it can also physically damage our brain as well.

Stanford University ran a study that shows complaining can damage the hippocampus. The hippocampus is what Alzheimer's primary destroys, so let that sink in for a minute.

You can cause the same type of damage that Alzheimer's causes just by complaining.

Complaining can wreak physical havoc as well. When we complain, cortisol is released in order to prepare our bodies for fight-or-flight mode, and this raises blood pressure and blood sugar. The extra cortisol released also impairs our immune system which makes us more susceptible to a whole host of issues.

Have you heard the saying that you are the sum of the 5 people closest to you? That's because our brains tend to subconsciously mirror the moods of the people we spend the most time with. If you're around people who complain a lot, you can experience the same damage as if YOU were the one complaining.

Likewise, when you complain, you can damage those you love and are closest to you in those ways as well.

In this season of stress and unrest due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 virus, it is more important than ever to protect ourselves against anything that can damage our immune systems, our bodies, and our minds.

Fear makes it so much easier for us to complain under these circumstances, though, right?

So what can we do to keep ours hearts and minds positive and avoid the damaging effects of complaining, when our worlds feel like they're in a tailspin?

1. Be grateful. 
We've all heard the suggestion to start our day with gratitude, but I would challenge you not only to start your day, but maybe set a reminder for throughout the day to think of more things to be grateful for. The floors in your home, the roof, the people who built it, coffee, your family, your pets, a safe environment, anything you can think to be grateful for.

2. Hear truth. 
Recognize that our feelings are NOT truth. We may feel scared, we may feel hopeless, we may feel lonely, but we have to remember that God promises to protect us, to give us hope, and to never leave us. Focus on TRUTH.

3. Practice self-care.
Take some time to participate in some soothing self-care. Take a bath, go for a walk, search YouTube for some quick workouts, read Scripture, pray, listen to worship music. Just enjoy some relaxation and peace.

4. LAUGH! 
Watch a funny movie on Netflix, search YouTube for comedians, Google jokes you can share with your family. Laugh together, play some board games, just have fun.

5. Stay connected. 
Make sure to stay connected with the outside world however you safely can, whether by phone, social media, video chatting, or sending snail mail. Now is the perfect time to handwrite some letters to loved ones and brighten their day. Staying connected and doing something kind for others will surely brighten your day and lessen any need to complain.

The next time you feel tempted to complain or release any kind of negative energy, keep in mind that our goal right now is to stay healthy.

Try this: keep a rubber band or hair tie on your wrist and snap it when you notice yourself complaining. You'll start to see just how often it actually happens, and it can be surprising!

Which one of these tips will you try today to help yourself break the habit of complaining and get through this pandemic successfully?

12 Foods To Eat Your Way To More Peace During Stressful Times

12 Foods To Eat Your Way To More Peace During Stressful Times
Right now, with most of society in a panic over the coronavirus (or as I've decided to call it, the Beer Flu), and almost everyone quarantined to home, our focus is on what to do with our time...and what to eat.
Too many of us are stressed out and all we can think to do is worry, get annoyed at the people who are worrying, or eat.
Let's talk about some foods that can help our bodies to release stress and maintain some peace.
1. Nuts
Selenium has been shown to help decrease anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Nuts are known for having high levels of this mineral. You only need a handful of mixed nuts or even just two Brazil nuts to increase your selenium levels. Nuts are also high in magnesium, which helps to relax the brain in high quantities. Peanuts and pumpkin seeds are great sources, but opt for unsalted. Nuts are a great way to fight stress!
2. Greens
Magnesium relaxes the brain, and also helps our nerves and muscles relax. Foods high in magnesium (in addition to nuts and seeds) are spinach, basil, and believe it or not, peppermint.
3. Dark Chocolate (my personal favorite)
Most people think of turkey when they hear tryptophan, but did you know that dark chocolate is rich in tryptophan too? The body uses tryptophan to create serotonin, which relaxes the brain. Be sure to choose dark chocolate that contains 70% or higher cacao.
4. Milk
Milk also contains tryptophan, and having a glass of warm milk specifically can be especially soothing.
5. Oats/Oatmeal
Now that we know all about tryptophan, it's good to note that complex carbs enhance the absorption of tryptophan. Oats and oatmeal are a great source, especially when you opt for oatmeal that doesn't contain a ton of sugar.
6. Kiwi
So we know about tryptophan, we know that it creates serotonin, and that it needs to be absorbed. Vitamin C helps to convert tryptophan into serotonin. Some great sources of Vitamin C are kiwi and oranges! Studies say that a diet rich in Vitamin C may help calm you and put you in a better frame of mind.
7. Shrimp and Salmon
We all know that fish is typically rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but did you know those can reduce anxiety and depression? Your best sources are shrimp and salmon.
8. Broccoli and Bananas
When you don't have enough potassium, you can feel tired, fatigued, irritable, and anxious. Both broccoli and bananas are known for their generous helpings of potassium in each serving.
9. Green Tea
L-theanine is an amino acid that has been shown to reduce stress, assist with relaxation, and enhance moods. A great way to serve up these amino acids to your body is by drinking green tea.
10. Yogurt and Kimchi
Foods with probiotics help to keep your gut healthy. A healthy gut can create a healthy environment for your mind and emotions. There is growing research that shows a connection between healthy bacteria in your gut and a healthy mental state.
11. Honey
Honey not only contains tryptophan, but it also contains potassium. It helps to fight off stress hormones and relaxes the nervous system.
12. Chickpeas
Another vitamin that helps lower stress hormones is folate, because it helps your body produce serotonin and dopamine to assist in mood regulation. It's also been shown to help lower the risk of depression. So throw those chickpeas on your salad, make some hummus, or toast some up for a crunchy snack!
To make your life just a little bit easier, I created a shopping list of the shelf stable foods so that you can easily find those products:
Which of these are you going to snack on first? 

I'm pretty sure it's obvious what mine will be...

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