Sweet friend, we know a strong marriage doesn’t just happen like in movies. In real life, creating a heavenly marriage requires intentionality, prayer, and inviting God into the center of your relationship.
It's too easy to get lost in the busyness of life, or the frustration of being married to someone who sins just like you do, and you forget to ask God to guide you how He sees fit in your marriage.
Since we're still in the beginning of a brand new year, let’s talk about three simple ways to intentionally invite God into your marriage.
First, commit to praying over your marriage, yourself as a wife, and your husband, regularly. Even if your husband isn’t a Christian, your prayers can make a powerful difference. Ask God to guide your heart, give you wisdom, and work in your husband’s life. Trust that God is at work even when you don’t see immediate results.
- Pray over your marriage itself, that God will use it to raise strong, godly children, that He will use the two of you together to exemplify the relationship between Christ and the Church as He designed marriage to function.
- Pray over yourself, that you would grow into the godly wife He's created you to be, and the one your husband needs you to be. For Scripture-based prayers you can pray over your growth as a wife, check out the Prayer Cards I've created based on Titus 2 and 1 Peter 3 HERE.
- Pray over your husband, not just that he would be the godly husband you need him to be, but pray over him as a man in general: for blessings, success at work, for his growth as a dad, as a friend, as a follower of Christ (or that he would give his heart to Christ if he hasn't yet).
Second, apply Scripture to your own actions within your marriage. Focus on how you can reflect Christ through love, patience, and kindness. When you live out biblical principles, you create a testimony of God’s grace that speaks louder than words.
It's important to study God's Word so that you know what God expects of you as a wife. Understanding your own role as a wife, and committing to obey God's instructions to wives regardless of whether your husband obeys, is crucial. As you study, learning how to make observations, correctly interpret, and accurately apply what you're learning is so important.
Often we read over Scripture and don't actually absorb it, or allow it to transform us. God gave us His Word in order that we can get to know Him, His heart, and His instructions for us. If you find yourself frequently wishing you could just hear God speak audibly to you and tell you what to do or what He wants from you, it's possible that you aren't absorbing or being transformed yet by what you're reading in the Bible. I am passionate about helping women learn how to do this, so if you don't follow me yet on Instagram or Facebook, make sure to go follow me now, and get on my email list!
Third, create a Christ-centered atmosphere in your home. Play worship music, display Scripture art, and prioritize joy and peace in your daily interactions. Even small changes can create an environment where God’s presence feels tangible.
Allow your husband and children to see you put God first by setting aside time to study His Word each day, asking for that uninterrupted time when needed. Your kids don't need to always feel like they come first, especially when they're seeing you put God ahead of them for just a few minutes.
Eventually, as you are transformed by His Word, they will see those changes and notice how you respond in gentleness and kindness, rather than in frustration and anxiety - and THAT will make the biggest impact on your husband, and your kids.
Want more ideas for building a God-centered marriage - and home? Let’s connect on Instagram where you can find me at @missiannsmith. That's where I share practical tips and encouragement for Christian wives to help you learn how to study Scripture for yourself and apply it to YOUR marriage. Let’s make this the year of growth and unity in our marriages!