I stared at my Bible, feeling completely lost.
Sure, I'd just finished my devotional for the day, but if you asked me what I'd read, I honestly couldn't tell you.
My mind was already racing ahead to my mile-long to-do list, and that familiar frustration started creeping in.
Why couldn't I focus? Why did my time with God feel so... empty?
Maybe you know exactly what I'm talking about. That nagging feeling that you're just going through the motions.
Reading the devotional? Check.
Quick prayer? Done.
But deep down, you know something's missing.
I remember when it all changed. I was sitting at my kitchen table, clutching my coffee mug like a lifeline, when I finally admitted to myself: I had no idea how to actually read my Bible. Like, really read it.
Not just skim through a devotional or follow someone else's thoughts about a verse.
I wanted to know how to dig into God's Word for myself, how to hear Him speak directly to ME - but I felt completely overwhelmed. Where would I even start?
Here's the truth that changed everything for me: Time with God isn't meant to be a drive-through experience.
You wouldn't build a strong marriage on nothing but quick texts with your husband, right? (Can you imagine? "Hey babe, grocery list. XOXO" 😅)
Yet so many of us are trying to build our relationship with God on the spiritual equivalent of text messages.
The problem isn't devotionals themselves – they're great! But they're like having someone tell you about an amazing feast instead of sitting down to enjoy it yourself. You might learn what's on the menu, but you're missing out on the actual experience of the meal.
Then I discovered something that completely transformed my quiet time: the power of observation.
Now, before you think "I barely have time to read my Bible, let alone study it!" or like me, "I am the worst at observing anything, my brain is so full already!" – hear me out.
Observation isn't about spending hours poring over complicated commentaries. It's simply about learning to notice what's actually there in the text.
And here's the amazing thing: you can do it in just minutes a day.
Let me give you an example. The other day I had exactly three minutes before my little man woke up. Instead of rushing through a devotional or skipping my Bible altogether, I read just two verses.
But instead of skimming, I really looked at the words. I noticed repetitions I'd never seen before. I spotted words that made me go "wait, what?" I found details that suddenly made familiar verses come alive in completely new ways.
That's the incredible thing about intentional observation – it turns routine Bible reading into an exciting treasure hunt.
Suddenly, you're not just checking off a spiritual box; you're discovering new gems in God's Word every single time you open it.
Even if you only have five minutes, those five minutes become incredibly rich and meaningful.
Want to know the game-changer that transformed my quiet time? Finding tools that helped me actually observe what I was reading in Scripture. Not just reading words on a page, but really seeing what was there.
It's like the difference between glancing at a photo and actually studying it – suddenly you notice details you've never seen before.
Here's a super simple way to start right now:
Pick any verse (seriously, any verse!) and ask yourself these questions:
- What words keep showing up?
- Are there any words that surprise me?
- What details jump out that I've never noticed before?
Just these simple questions can start shifting your Bible reading from passive to active.
And trust me, once you start really seeing what's in Scripture, it becomes way less intimidating and way more exciting!
Even better? These observation skills work whether you have three minutes or thirty. They're like a pair of spiritual glasses that help you see God's Word more clearly, no matter how much time you have.
But here's what I really want you to know: you don't have to figure this out alone.
If you're ready to move beyond spiritual quick fixes and learn how to actually study God's Word for yourself, I've got something special for you.
I'm hosting a free Routine to Revival workshop where I'll teach you one simple but powerful Bible study method that focuses on observation – basically, how to see what's actually in the passage you're reading.
(And don't worry, this isn't about becoming a Bible scholar! It's about learning one practical and simple skill you can use with any passage you read, even when you're short on time.)
Registration opens December 26th, and you'll get to choose from three different workshop times that fit your schedule.
In just one session, you'll learn a practical observation method that will transform your quiet time from a routine checkbox to an exciting daily discovery – even if you only have a few minutes.
Ready to stop running on spiritual empty? Click here to get on the waitlist for the Routine to Revival workshop.
Because friend, you weren't meant to just read about God's Word – you were meant to feast on it yourself.