With kids back in school and the fall season upon us, now is the time when we start thinking about all that sick time we'll have to take when someone inevitably catches some kind of ick.
But what if there was a way to stay above the wellness line, and arm your body with a line of defense to fight back when germs, viruses, and bacteria come knocking?
There actually are several things you can do to help you and your family stay safe this season, and throughout the year.
1. Eat well
Doing whatever you can to reduce or eliminate sugar is first and foremost when it comes to taking care of your health. That's easier said than done with many kids!
Fortunately there are some delicious treats you can make for your kiddos that will satisfy their sweet tooth while simultaneously supporting their immune system as well.
NingXia Red is an antioxidant juice that my family drinks every day. Not only is it delicious, but it's FULL of good-for-you antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. I have some great recipes for a Peanut Butter & Jelly Smoothie, as well as NingXia Red gummies, for the kiddos who love their fruit snacks. These are included in my free Back to School Wellness guide. You can grab that here! The guide also includes some diffuser recipes, wellness capsule recipes, and a checklist of items to have on hand that will help keep your family healthy and safe.
You also want to make sure that your family is consuming lots of foods with Vitamin C, antioxidants, probiotics, and prebiotics. Garlic is a great one too! Load up on oranges, spinach, and berries.
2. Exercise
Before you groan at me, exercise doesn't have to mean hitting the gym. There are lots of ways for your family to exercise together! Here are just a few ideas:
- Hit the bike trail
- Throw on some music for a dance party
- Pull out that old Twister game
- Go ice skating
- Take everyone bowling (just try to avoid the snack counter!)
- Laser tag
- Hiking
If you need some ideas to get a workout in yourself, I highly recommend JessicaSmithTV on YouTube! She has TONS of free workouts, some as quick as 5 minutes and some as long as over an hour. Whether you're looking for indoor walking, cardio, yoga, kickboxing, HIIT, or strength training, you can find it all on her channel.
3. Know what can deplete your immune system
Did you know that our bodies were not designed to handle the plethora of synthetic chemicals and toxins we're forced to process every day? From products such as household cleaners, body wash, candles, home fragrances, perfumes, lotions, makeup, just to name a few.
As a result, our bodies become sluggish and overloaded, working hard to overcompensate - meaning that our energy levels are lower, and our immune system function is not as strong as it could be. We're much more susceptible to illness because our bodies are spending so much time trying to process all of these chemicals.
Some of these chemicals are beyond our control, because they're found in our environment or in public places. However, we have complete control over what we allow inside our homes. Research greenwashing to make sure you're armed against companies who claim to be "green" or safe and toxin-free, then make educated decisions about the types of products you'll bring into your home. I am SO grateful that I work for a company where I can be sure each and every product is pure, plant-based, free of synthetic chemicals and toxins, and actually does good things for me and my family!
If you would like more information about Young Living and how their products can help you, please reach out to me any time. I would be honored to answer your questions and walk alongside you into a lifestyle of wellness.
4. Mindset actually does matter
You may not realize this, but the more stress you're under, the easier it is for you to get sick. Stress triggers the production of the hormone cortisol in your body, which can lower your ability to fight infection. It can also cause higher blood pressure and contribute to poor sleep.
There are lots of ways to improve your mindset:
- Meditation
- Mantras
- Gratitude journal
- Essential oils
- Maintaining good gut health through nutrition
- Sleep
Again, many of these can seem easier said than done, but my role as a wellness coach is to walk with you every step of the way to help you find what works best for your lifestyle and family.
5. Consistency in your daily routines
A lot of people swear by taking over-the-counter products when they start to feel a little under the weather. Sometimes this works; sometimes it doesn't.
It is much easier to stay healthy when you are consistent with your daily wellness regimen. That includes taking your supplements regularly; using essential oils daily (topically, aromatically, and if you're using Young Living, internally is a great method as well); spoiling your body with healthy food and regular exercise; keeping your mind focused on positivity.
These are just a few ways to help your family stay well this season.
If you'd like to get started with a 3-day Kick Start Your Immune System challenge, you can find that in my Drops of Blessings community on Facebook.
For members of my exclusive Essentially Vibrant community, we're going to begin a three-week Fall Into Wellness series to implement everything we've learned and walk through it together! I'd be happy to give you more information about that, just reach out to me anytime!
Tell me, which steps are you and your family going to take to stay above the wellness line this year?
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