Busy Wife? 5 Simple Tips To Refresh Your Faith

Busy Wife? 5 Simple Tips To Refresh Your Faith
Hey sweet friend, can we talk? 

Have you been feeling like your spiritual life is more of a routine than a deepening relationship with God? If so, you're not alone. 

Maybe you've found yourself doing all the right things—reading devotionals, nodding along to a podcast, even participating in your church's women's Bible study (AND doing the homework most days!) - but still feeling something's missing. 

That deep, personal connection with God? The one where you feel His nearness and you're confident in what He wants you to be doing each day? It feels just out of reach.

Life has a way of doing that, doesn't it? 

Between work, marriage, household responsibilities, children, and a million other commitments, our time with God can start to feel like just another item on the to-do list. 

But here's the beautiful truth: God is calling you back to a passionate, personal relationship—no fancy qualifications required!

Let's break down some super practical ways to refresh your spiritual life and reconnect with God:

Mix Up Your Quiet Time Approach

Feeling stuck in a rut? It's time to shake things up! If your current Bible reading feels about as exciting as watching paint dry, try something new:
Create a Space that Invites Connection

Your quiet time doesn't need to look Instagram-perfect, but it should feel intentional. Maybe that's:
  • A cozy corner with a comfy chair
  • A small table by a window
  • Your favorite mug filled with coffee
  • A journal and pen nearby
  • A playlist of worship music that helps you focus
Embrace Imperfect Spiritual Moments

Some days, your quiet time might be messy. And that's okay! Maybe it's:
  • Praying throughout your morning routine
  • Reading one verse and really letting it sink in - focusing on just one or two specific words and researching the author's intended meaning by looking up the original language with a concordance
  • Listening to worship music or sermons during your commute
  • Talking to God while doing household chores
Get Curious About God's Word

Approach Scripture like a fascinating book you can't put down. Ask questions. Be surprised. Look for:
  • What's happening in this passage?
  • What does this reveal about God's character?
  • How might this apply to my life right now?
Give Yourself Grace

Your spiritual journey isn't a competition. Some seasons will feel more connected than others, and that's completely normal. 

What matters is your heart's desire and intentionality to know God more deeply.

Practical Tip: Start small. Commit to just 5-10 minutes a day. Consistency matters more than perfection. Remember, God isn't scoring your quiet time—He's just excited to spend time with you.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? I've got you! I've created a free "Quieting Your Mind" guide filled with practical tips to help you reconnect with God - even in the smallest moments available. It's like a spiritual jumpstart for those days when you're feeling stuck.

The most important thing? You are loved. Exactly as you are. Right now. 

God isn't waiting for you to get it perfect—He's waiting to meet you right where you are.
Your faith journey is a beautiful, ongoing conversation. And the next chapter? It starts today.

Ready to dive in? CLICK HERE for your FREE Quieting Your Mind Guide!

How To Know If Your Quiet Time Has Become A Spiritual Checklist

How To Know If Your Quiet Time Has Become A Spiritual Checklist
Is this you?

You sit down for your quiet time, rush through a few Bible verses or a quick devotional, throw up a prayer if you remember, and then hurry on to the next task on your to-do list. 

And you can't remember a single thing about what you read.

If so, welcome to the club of “spiritual checklist Christianity!” 

I’ve been there more times than I’d like to admit.

Here’s the thing: Time with the Lord was never meant to be just another box to check off. It’s supposed to be a sacred time of connecting deeply with God, hearing His voice, and letting His Word change you

But sometimes, life gets so busy that our quiet time becomes one more thing we “have” to do, rather than something we treasure. 

We feel the pressure to perform rather than the freedom to just be in God’s presence.

So, how can you tell if your quiet time has become routine rather than relational (or better, transformational)? 

Here are a few signs that it's routine: 
  • You feel obligated rather than excited to open your Bible
  • You feel like you just don't have time most days for more than a single verse-of-the-day
  • You walk away feeling unchanged, like you’ve only skimmed the surface of something deeper
  • You can’t remember what you read an hour later, let alone live out the truths you encountered
If any of these resonate, I get it. I've been there. 

But these signs are NOT condemnation; rather, they are gentle nudges to make a change—to realign your heart with the purpose of spending time with your Creator.

He knows your deepest desires. He knows how much you long for a thriving marriage, confidence in your parenting, authenticity in your friendships, peace in your everyday, and joy in the mundane.
The question then is, HOW can you experience meaningful, life-giving quiet time again? 

Here are a few tips: 
  • Start by slowing down, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide you, and using tools that help you focus on what God's Word actually says. 
  • Pray before you begin, asking God to give you a fresh hunger for His Word. 
  • Take time to journal, reflect, and meditate on a passage. 
  • Learn different study methods so that you can find the one that works best for you and your learning style.
  • Consider incorporating worship music or simply sitting quietly, soaking in the love and grace of Jesus.
  • Don't feel obligated to "complete" studying a verse or passage in one sitting - I've taken up to a week to journal out a single passage because I really wanted to dig in and study it deeply, for as much time as I had available each day (which some days isn't much).
My Quieting Your Mind Guide is designed to help you get started. It includes practical steps to minimize distractions, prepare your heart, and create a sacred space for God to speak to you. 

Download it for free and take the first step toward a more relational, impactful quiet time. 

You can move from a place of duty to a place of delight, where meeting with God becomes the highlight of your day!

Living a Godly Wife Life: 5 Tools for Your Health

Living a Godly Wife Life: 5 Tools for Your Health
Oftentimes the discussion around living a godly wife lifestyle has a lot to do with ensuring you're studying scripture and learning God's instructions and expectations.

This is the most important thing to do!

You can't become a godly wife when you don't know what you're supposed to be doing. Read the instructions (aka The Bible).
Likewise, it's very, very easy for us to fall back into sin when we aren't feeling well.

When we experience:
  • fatigue
  • exhaustion
  • headaches
  • sleeplessness
  • irritability
  • inability to concentrate
Despite knowing that we *should* submit to our husbands, and we *should* show them respect, we can often snap at them (or our children) when we're experiencing anything from the list above.

There are several tools related to this area of physical, mental, and emotional wellness that I have found to be extremely helpful.

This is a pre- and pro-biotic, technically formulated for kids, but I love it so I take as well. Gut health is HUGE. When our gut isn't healthy, it can throw everything else out of whack, like our immune system so we get sick more easily, it affects our emotions, brain function, everything.

It tastes like a Pixie Stick, so my 2-year-old loves it as well. He can't quite "shoot" it like a Pixie Stick, so my tip for little ones is to put it in a shallow bowl or cup and let them get it on their finger and lick it off.

Ningxia Red is a powerful antioxidant supplement drink made from wolfberry puree that packs such a punch, you only need a tiny 2oz serving each day. This is another one that my little guy loves because it's delicious! NingXia provides total body wellness. Here are just a few of its benefits:

  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way
  • Provides energy support
  • HUGE source of antioxidants
  • Support brain and joint health
  • Supports healthy hormone levels
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • Can help curb sugar cravings
  • Whole-food, nutrient dense supplement full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenols
Super B is a B complex supplement that is great for maintaining healthy energy levels, supporting mood and cardiovascular and cognitive function. Our current lifestyles often leave our adrenal system (our fight or flight response) on overdrive, and B vitamins are a great way to support that system!

NingXia Red and Super B work so well together to help with regulating all the body systems and having natural energy. If your energy is depleted, it's so much easier to get irritable and impatient.

4. Exercise
This is a HUGE factor. Exercise not only helps our body to maintain the movement it was designed to have regularly, but it also helps our organs and muscles to be challenged. Regular exercise ensures that our bodies burn calories, which is a natural function of the body. It helps us to increase energy, strength, stamina, sleep better, reduce stress, and just feel better.

If you don't yet exercise regularly, please check out BodyFit by Amy on YouTube. Her channel is full of FREE workouts that you can do at home, many of them with no equipment so you don't have to purchase a single thing. She offers modifications not only for beginners, but also for pre- and post-natal moms, as well as experienced exercisers who need to up-level.

God created plants, fruits, and trees with so many different functions, all for our benefit. Scripture speaks of using plants as medicine. 

When choosing oils, you want to be sure they are of the highest quality and purity. This is why I choose Young Living. They are the only company that owns their own farms and is involved in the process from choosing the soil to packaging the product. They ensure quality the entire way through with their Seed to Seal Promise, never leaving anything to chance. They perform rigorous testing, using third parties, and will often allow an item to go out of stock simply because it doesn't meet their high quality standards. You get what you pay for, and in order to ensure the health of my family, I will gladly pay for the quality, purity, and expertise I know goes into each Young Living product.

Here are some oils I would recommend for us with helping to regulate emotions:
Valor (helps with anxiety)
Lavender + Cedarwood (great combination for sleep!)

I recommend diffusing in your bedroom nightly to help with getting restorative sleep each night.

The most important thing is to take care of your health with good food, sleep, water, exercise, and ensure you are studying God's Word every single day. 

The other measures won't mean anything if you aren't plugged into Him as your source of power. 

They are simply tools that He has created in order to help you in your journey. 

I am so grateful for these tools and will gladly accept them from Him! Will you?

If you have questions any any or all of these, please reach out and let me know. One of my goals is to make sure that we are being good stewards of our finances, and that means helping you save money. Please reach out to me so that I can help you place your first order and get the best deal possible for you and your family.

Which of these areas do you struggle with the most? 
Fatigue, irritability, focus, something else?

Share in the comments and let me know how I can pray for you.

Bursts of Energy - From the Outside, IN! (AKA - The Lazy Girl's Guide to Energy 😄)

Bursts of Energy - From the Outside, IN! (AKA - The Lazy Girl's Guide to Energy 😄)
When we talk about boosting our energy, we often hear things like "drink more water", "get some exercise", "take your vitamins", and other things we need to physically DO. 

But what are some external sources that can sometimes increase - or zap - our energy?

Exposure to Light

Have you heard of Seasonal Depressive Disorder? It's a real thing. That's when some people experience feelings of depression during the months when there is much less sunlight. The weather isn't as pretty, so we often stay indoors.

It's also common for people who work indoors under florescent lights all day to experience some symptoms of fatigue and depression, due to lack of natural light.

If you find this is the case for you as well, try making a habit of spending at least 10-15 intentional minutes outdoors each day. Even if it's cloudy, you can still reap the benefits of UV exposure and increased Vitamin D, which will boost your energy.


Our sense of smell is very powerful and can bring up a lot of memories. If we smell something that reminds us of something painful, that can drain our energy. Synthetic fragrances made in a lab with lots of chemicals can be incredibly draining as well, because our bodies weren't designed to process manmade chemicals. When we're around a lot of "fragrances", our bodies are fighting to work through those which means other functions (e.g. energy producing functions) can sometimes lag. 

It's helpful to surround yourself with natural scents that uplift and encourage you. Fresh baked bread or desserts are wonderful if they invoke happy memories. Flowers and plants are great choices. An easy way to access scents like this is with essential oils! Just be sure you know the source of the oils you use, because so many are mis-labled and actually contain fillers or synthetic chemicals to make them more cost effective (I will only use Young Living because of their transparency and commitment to quality).

What You See

Scientists tell us that many different colors can invoke certain emotions, which can greatly affect our energy. Surrounding yourself with bright colors like yellow, orange, and green can be helpful. More muted colors such as grays, browns, and blacks might drain energy. 

If you're able to paint your walls with colors that energize you, go for it! If that's not an option, some things you can do are to buy decorations like wall art, flowers, pillows, desk accessories in the colors of your choice. 

What You Hear

When you surround yourself with sounds of complaints, or the musings of the melancholy, it's easy to take those feelings on yourself. Negative feelings like these can very quickly suck the life and energy right out of you! 

If you find yourself listening to people who tend to complain a lot, make an effort to infuse the conversation with positivity, or consider spending less time with those people and more time with those who are upbeat. 

Take some time to think about the music, podcasts, and shows you listen to. Do you feel encouraged, lifted up, and optimistic afterwards? Or do they leave you feeling sad or downtrodden? What enters our minds via words and music can have a dramatic effect on our emotions, which can then affect our energy levels.

After evaluating these different external elements, what are some areas where you think you could benefit from a few tweaks or changes? 

To grab my FREE guide on 5 Ways To Boost Your Energy, click here!

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Need a pick-me-up? Here are some easy ideas!

Need a pick-me-up? Here are some easy ideas!
In our current social climate, with COVID and riots and now hurricane season approaching, it's easy for us to feel overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted, and just unmotivated. We can sometimes get anxious or depressed when we focus on the things that are troubling us.

One surefire way to turn yourself completely around is to focus outward. 

When we take our thoughts away from our own problems and shortcomings, suddenly the world seems a little bit brighter. 
A positive outlook is easier to cultivate when we focus on those around us. So how can we practically put this into action?

By doing the simplest of actions: Random Acts of Kindness, affectionately called RAKs.

Not only can these help us to focus on others, but we get a rush of endorphins when we do something nice for someone else, and this can also help us to feel more empowered and in control.

Let's start with RAKs in the home.

  • Do someone's chore for them (even a parent doing a child's chore!)
  • Leave love notes around, on their pillow, in their bathroom, at their seat in the kitchen
  • Bring them a treat from the grocery store
  • Make their favorite meal or dessert
  • Announce a movie night and have their favorite movie (or one they've been wanting to see) all cued up and ready to go
Here are some ideas for RAKs in the office, for those who aren't working remotely or will be going back to the office eventually:

  • Bring in bagels or donuts
  • Leave a note of encouragement on their desk
  • Bring in an extra cup of coffee from Starbucks
  • Buy someone's lunch
  • Wash out someone's coffee mug or lunch dish in the breakroom
Need some random ideas for when you're out and about? I have some of those for you too:

  • Bake bread or cookies to bring to your neighbor (this is especially great if you don't know them or better if you do but don't like them!)
  • Pay for the order behind you in the drive through
  • Give someone a sincere compliment instead of just thinking about how much you admire their outfit or hair or whatever
  • Leave a substantially larger tip than normal
I know you could easily do an internet search for these, but I wanted to share a few to get you started.

Here's my suggestion: make a list of 5 RAKs that you will do within the next week and as you cross each one off, write the name of the person next to it. 

What other Random Acts of Kindness can you think of, or what have you done or had someone do for you that really blessed you?

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