Who do you want to be like?
How many times have you thought to yourself, "If I could just be more like so-and-so?" 

If I'm being honest, I've thought it a multitude of times. 

In my personal life, I've thought it about my friends.

In my marriage, I've thought it about women who I felt were more attractive or fun or smarter than I am.

In business, I've thought it about others who seem to have more or quicker success.

On a recent Sunday morning, I was getting ready to step onto the platform to lead our final worship song. I've struggled with nerves in the past, but instead of reminding myself that those nerves are just pride, I felt God leading me in a different direction.

He reminded me that each one of us is created "fearfully and wonderfully". 

Scripture tells us in Genesis 1:27 

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
We are created in His image. When we're afraid to do something exactly the way WE do it, when we want to do something the way someone else does it, or when we're scared to mess it up, we're effectively negating that facet of God's image in us.

He created us as a part of His whole. All of us together are part of Him. When we neglect to be ourselves, we're hiding that part of Who He is. When we focus on not failing, we're not trusting Him to use that failure for our good and His glory. It's through failure that He can use us to display humility and grace.

Do we want to be more like Him? Then we need to focus on being fully ourselves, and no one else.

Who do you want to be like?


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