Daily Habits of a Godly Wife: Be Intentional About Loving Your Husband In Action

Daily Habits of a Godly Wife: Be Intentional About Loving Your Husband In Action
Love is not a feeling. Love is a commandment, and withholding it from your husband because you don't feel an emotion connected to it is simply disobedience to God.

Being a godly wife means loving your husband IN ACTION, day in and day out, regardless of your feelings or emotions.

Click through to the full post for tips and resources on how to be intentional about loving your husband in action every day!

Daily Habits of a Godly Wife: Worship as a Lifestyle

Daily Habits of a Godly Wife: Worship as a Lifestyle
Worship. What's your first thought?

Most likely you thought of your favorite song from Sunday morning, or your local Christian radio station. 

How can you cultivate a lifestyle of worship? 

Check out the full blog post as we talk through what it would look like to live out a lifestyle of worship, and to grab your free printable of the Daily Habits of a Godly Wife to help you develop your own rhythm and routine.

4 Steps to Take Your Thoughts Captive

4 Steps to Take Your Thoughts Captive
Can you easily stop thinking negative thoughts?

If you're like most people, the answer is no. 

It's not easy - it's also not impossible.

Scripture instructs us to "take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ." (2 Cor. 10:5)

But how do I do that, and how can it help my marriage?

Here are some steps to take:

1. Recognize the negative thought.
Our feelings are a result of our thoughts. If you are feeling irritable, angry, hurt, or sad, notice what thoughts you've been thinking.

2. Once you've identified the thought, ask yourself, "Is this true? Is it factual? Is it possible that this is only my opinion or perception?"
Truth is something that would hold up in a court of law. If it's open to interpretation (e.g. obviously he doesn't care, he's lazy, he's self-absorbed), then it isn't truth. Sometimes we need to ask God for wisdom and discernment to recognize the lies, because the enemy can disguise these as truth.

3. Pray over the thought and release it to God. 
Thank Him for His willingness to take it from you, and for His mercy and forgiveness. Pray over your husband, or whomever else you had the negative thought. Praying for the person who hurt us can change our thoughts dramatically.

4. Replace the thought with something that is "pure, lovely, and praiseworthy" according to Philippians 4:8.
It's not enough to try and just stop thinking a negative thought. We have to replace it with a positive one. Pray over your husband, or whomever else you had the negative thought. Praying for the person who hurt us can change our thoughts dramatically. Consider their situation and view it from their point of view. Offer the same measure of grace you would offer yourself. Seek to assign positive motives for their behavior, such as they were truly trying to help, they really didn't mean to cause harm and just didn't recognize it, or they were so busy and could probably use some understanding and support.

When you change your thoughts, you change your feelings. When you feel more positive, you will treat your husband more positively. It sounds simple, but this can have such a profound effect on your marriage!

We hear all the time that we should take our thoughts captive, but the practical application and how-to are often missing. 

My prayer is that these four steps will be helpful in arming you to battle against negative, false, and harmful thoughts that do not serve you, or your marriage.

Sweet friend, how can I pray over you and your marriage today? Share in the comments or email me directly!

3 Things to Remember When You're in a Difficult or Painful Season

3 Things to Remember When You're in a Difficult or Painful Season
In the midst of the thickness, it can be very difficult to grab a hold of truth. We have to train our brains to take every thought captive and choose instead to focus on things that are "true, pure, lovely, and praise-worthy". 

Here are three truths for you to focus on in those times.

1. God is GOOD. 

It's important to remember this first, because everything else flows out of it. Everything God does is out of His goodness and love. He IS love. He created love, He created goodness, and He embodies them entirely. Every decision He makes, every situation He allows, is because He is GOOD. Just because you don't agree with what's happening, just because it might be painful, does not mean He isn't good. You can't possibly know what the alternatives were that the enemy was attempting to throw at you. Trust in God's goodness, that what He gives you and allows is so much better than any alternative.

2. God is WISE. 

We'd like to think we have all the answers and know what's best, but God knows better. He knows HOW to fix everything. Although sometimes it seems like He's not fixing things, or at least not at the speed we'd like, we have to look back at the first point - He is GOOD. Yes, He knows the WISE choice for every situation, and He knows the GOOD choice for every situation.

3. God is STRONG. 

Sometimes we can know that God is good, and we know He is wise, but we lack belief that He is strong enough to pull it off. Friend, God created strength. He IS pure strength! Not only is He wise enough and good enough to know what the best decisions are for us, but He is STRONG enough to carry out any task that is necessary. HE CAN DO IT.

If we can focus our hearts on these three things when we're struggling, our faith will grow and we will be able to watch miracle after miracle take place in our lives.

Friend, which of these three truths are you struggling with today? 
Which one is the easiest for you to believe?

Let me know how I can pray for you today!

Who do you want to be like?

Who do you want to be like?
How many times have you thought to yourself, "If I could just be more like so-and-so?" 

If I'm being honest, I've thought it a multitude of times. 

In my personal life, I've thought it about my friends.

In my marriage, I've thought it about women who I felt were more attractive or fun or smarter than I am.

In business, I've thought it about others who seem to have more or quicker success.

On a recent Sunday morning, I was getting ready to step onto the platform to lead our final worship song. I've struggled with nerves in the past, but instead of reminding myself that those nerves are just pride, I felt God leading me in a different direction.

He reminded me that each one of us is created "fearfully and wonderfully". 

Scripture tells us in Genesis 1:27 

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
We are created in His image. When we're afraid to do something exactly the way WE do it, when we want to do something the way someone else does it, or when we're scared to mess it up, we're effectively negating that facet of God's image in us.

He created us as a part of His whole. All of us together are part of Him. When we neglect to be ourselves, we're hiding that part of Who He is. When we focus on not failing, we're not trusting Him to use that failure for our good and His glory. It's through failure that He can use us to display humility and grace.

Do we want to be more like Him? Then we need to focus on being fully ourselves, and no one else.

Who do you want to be like?

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