What's a Pamper & Pray?
Pamper & Pray gatherings are a sweet time of fellowship and prayer, as together we create some DIY tools to pamper, and walk through guided prayer topics.
Each Pamper & Pray has a different focus. If you are unable to attend live, you can find the free guides for each topic on this page. 
Check back regularly as more are added!

Current Pamper & Pray Guides

Available Now:
Home Edition

Learn new ways to pamper your home and family, and guide your prayers over each room to bless all those who live and enter.

Available Now:
School Edition

Begin the school year with less stress and more focus as you pray over students, parents, homeschool parents, teachers, and faculty.

Coming Soon: 
Fall Edition

Embrace the fall season with classic scents and flavors, and pray over all aspects of the season.

Coming Soon: 
Christmas Edition

Pamper yourself, your friends, and your family with some unique DIY gifts, and pray over everyone you connect with throughout the season.
Cultivate wellness and godliness in your home and marriage as you Pamper & Pray.
After entering your information, you'll be directed to choose your Pamper & Pray guides.

marriage wasn't always this easy...

I met and dated my husband in high school and during college. I talked often about us getting married...and then we didn't. I broke up with him, which he enjoys reminding me, and I will forever regret it.

I met and married my first husband in 2003, with whom I had my daughter in 2007. This is when I experienced firsthand what it's like to be the controlling wife. Yes, I was a Christian. Yes, I knew wives were called to submit to their husbands...and sometimes I even told him I would submit to him. But in my heart, I wanted what I wanted, and I thought I knew what was best. We sought counseling, and while I thought things were improving, he filed for divorce, and that was that. We divorced in 2010, and currently have a very good co-parenting relationship for our daughter.

In 2013, I met and married my second husband. At this point, I'd been learning and studying godly submission. Unfortunately, a lot of what I learned was skewed and twisted. This is when I experienced firsthand what it's like to be the controlled wife. In my quest to submit to my husband, I also submitted to verbal, emotional, and mental abuse. When it turned physical, I was done. We separated in 2017, and he filed for divorce in 2018.

In 2019, I reconnected with my high school sweetheart, my incredible husband, and we married in 2020. He has three amazing children, and we had our son in 2021, so together we have four teenagers and a baby.

My husband strives to be the godly, loving husband that Scripture calls him to be, while I strive to be the godly, respectful, and submissive wife I’m instructed to be in Scripture.

I quit my job when my son was born, so I am learning now how to be a homemaker, and how to best care for my family - which includes being very intentional about the products I allow into my home in the form of cleaning, personal care, home care, and supplements.

As a Christian, there are times when I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I've been married three times. I believe God hates divorce, and it is NOT something I encourage. I also believe in God's promise of forgiveness, and that He washes us clean when we call on Him and repent. Shame is not from God. He uses those who have been broken, and He is using me to share my lessons with YOU. 

Now that I have learned what submission is, and what it is NOT, my heart is to teach other wives about the joy and blessings of godly submission to our husbands. I love to share how we can take care of our husbands, our homes, and our families with joy, faithfulness, and wellness.

Let’s chat about how I can  walk alongside you in your own journey towards joyful wellness and biblical submission!

contact me

How can I help you cultivate joy and wellness in your own marriage?

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Join my journey as I share tips, lessons, wellness tricks and recipes, life hacks, stories, inspiration, and more to equip you to be the godly wife God has created you to be!

Let's chat

Reach out so that I can pray for you and walk alongside you on this journey together!

let's get in touch!
©2023 Melissa Smith